Defender Spacer (Postmortem)

In Goedware Game Jam #4 2022, I got the theme “SPACE”, while I first heard that, I thought about “Defender Spacer”. I worked really hard in this, my schedule in each day was tight. When I got any free time I made it, and the result was, a very nice game, 🙂 🎮. The game completely met the theme. My 8 day journey started like this…
I used the assets provided by I thought about the synonyms, territory, and I thought about territory defence. And, I thought of making three zones. Zombliens, Covid-30, and Jogu-Vinus. I used the Game Maker 8.0 pro, the old version, as my laptop was not much capable to hold huge application. I thought of music as Dubstep.
I made the game’s first room, which was the blank room, it went nicely. then a promotional room, then Main Menu. I made Start, Quit, Info, website redirector, and profile redirector. I gave the Main Menu and Information room a modern twist. Setting screen resolution as 1000x640. Setting title in each room same.
In day 2, I made the main game room, with nebulas and planets and star background. I made the background parallax. Used GFX G.U.I. Imported Spaceships and territory. Made my game’s first attacker enemy.
And many more, I faced many difficulties during it.
I made the zone hierarchy system in images of zones in systematic order. The enemies’ speed were set in random order, for realistic look. Bullets in GFX. Making groups of enemy as attacker, defender, cruiser1, cruiser2, and then the boss1.
Wave1 logo made, territory life and spaceship life created. Cruiser enemies’ turrets made. Spaceship health made functional, explosion images imported. SCORE DIRECTING image system made.
The main theme song Dubstep music, added. Game BGM also added. The story was made, First wave was finished. Boss weapons enhanced, Pausing system made. Started a little work for the next zone Covid-30.
I made the Covid-30 zone’s all four enemies, different bullets made.
Zone detector enhanced. Territory health made functional, boss was made, theme added. Animations in this zone’s enemies made. Found two bugs, which took 1 hour to fix, 1.3.0 and 1.2.2. Finished this zone, and started a little work on Jogu-Vinus zone.
The first three enemies of Jogu-Vinus’ Zone made. Made a player missile launcher. Made a missile launcher powerup. Made particle system in weapons. Made the reload of missiles as 3x. Made an AI missile for Covid-30 zone’s boss. Made all enemies. Fixed a small bug in rocket launcher. Made Jogu-Vinus , added 4 AI missiles. Made a thunder weapon in the last boss. Finished the boss.
Made PSEEW and NPSEEW modes in the game, for convenience in playing. Jogu-Vinus boss enhanced by adding 8 directional missile launchers.
Colour of GFX enchanced as neon. Added health powerups. Player death, territory death and Jogu-Vinus’ death made. Added YOU WON splash. made an icon for the game, made a loading logo, no bugs found, made a virtual scoreboard system. Made an automated screenshot systems in both deaths and wins. Added a small novel cutscene at the beginning of the game.
When I started this game, I didn’t thought 🤔 that this game would be beyond my expectations, but I think after completing this game, it completely fits the theme, haha. Woah! Nobody can understand the pain and efforts behind this game development. If anyone watching this is a solo game developer, then they might know, how hard is it to make a game in 8 days as a solo game Developer and give full efforts in it.
I worked really hard in this game, I had only Game Maker 8.0 for the game development, I hope everyone loves this game, and I also hope that I win the Game Jam.
Get Defender Spacer
Defender Spacer
Defend your territory from Jogu-Vinus by your tactics and strategy and save your turf
Status | Released |
Author | Grasp Games Ayush Dutta™ |
Genre | Strategy |
Tags | Aliens, Colorful, Futuristic, Space, Story Rich, Top Down Adventure, Tower Defense, Zombies |
Languages | English |
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Nice devlog! I liked seeing the sketched out tasks for each segment. I think it's very helpful to see all the elements that go into making a game!
Thank you so much…